Study Shows Circadian System Misalignment Impacts Insulin

Study Shows Circadian System Misalignment Impacts Insulin The endogenous circadian system, behavioral cycle, and circadian misalignment have distinct effects on insulin sensitivity and β-cell function, according to a study published online June 4 in Diabetes, Obesity...

Research Shows Night Shifts Throw Brain Out of Sync

Research Shows Night Shifts Throw Brain Out of Sync The Guardian reports that researchers have found working night shifts can impair the body’s natural rhythms so significantly that the brain and digestive system end up completely out of sync with each other....

New Study Links Circadian Rhythms and Alzheimer’s

New Study Links Circadian Rhythms and Alzheimer’s A Finnish study published in the respected SLEEP journal shows that a variation in the melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) gene is linked to the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly. The same research team...

Circadian Rhythms Influence Atherosclerosis

Circadian Rhythms Influence Atherosclerosis Professor Oliver Söhnlein, who researched molecular mechanisms underlying atherosclerosis at the Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention, has shown the influence of circadian rhythms on atherosclerosis;  a vascular disease...
Disruption of Circadian Rhythms Linked to Mental Health Problems

Disruption of Circadian Rhythms Linked to Mental Health Problems

Disruption of Circadian Rhythms Linked to Mental Health Problems People who experience disrupted 24-hour cycles of rest and activity are more likely to have mood disorders, lower levels of happiness and greater feelings of loneliness, research suggests. While the...